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Training Workshop - The history of Japanese drums: from tradition to resignification

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The objective of this training course is to present and introduce, from a historical perspective, Japanese drums from the Prehistoric (Genshi), Ancient (Kodai), Medieval (Chūsei) and Pre-modern (Kinsei) Periods. This survey considers: mythology; the use of taiko to communicate with the sacred; drums in wars and in traditional and folk arts (Nô and Kabuki theater); its recreation in the Modern Period (Kindai), specifically after the Second World War, when the collective performance of these instruments became known as kumi-daiko.

TARGET AUDIENCE: The project should be enjoyed by audiences of different age groups, socioeconomic conditions, especially teenagers and young people who are unaware of Japanese culture.

PLATFORM: Google Meet
DATE: February 24, 2021
HOURS: 7pm to 9pm

Project supported by the Aldir Blanc Cultural Emergency Law

No. 14.017/2020.

* The class will be recorded
** Certificates will be issued

24 feb. 21

—Pngtree—vector calendar

Google Meet

7pm - 9pm


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Rafael Garcia é ator-pesquisador. Doutorando em Artes da Cena pela UNICAMP. Mestre em Artes da Cena pela UNICAMP (2020), tendo sido bolsista CAPES. Licenciado em Artes Visuais pela Faculdade Polis das Artes de São Paulo (2016). Bacharel em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2014). Tem interesse nas áreas de Interpretação Teatral, Treinamento do Ator/Atriz/Performer, Diálogo Intercultural no Trabalho do Ator, Cultura Japonesa, Arte Teatral Japonesa e Estudos do Corpo.


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